Conceptually Speaking

Brett Vogelsinger Talks Poetry, Prose, & Pedagogy

Trevor Aleo

How often do you find yourself wanting to hit pause in your curriculum? To slow down and notice more deeply? Read more closely? Maybe even engage in some playful fun? Like most teachers, there are times when I find myself sprinting through the next novel or text set, slipping back into the grips of covering material instead of exploring it. Luckily, my guest today is Brett Vogelsinger, a 9th-grade English Teacher in Doylestown PA author of Poetry Pauses: Teaching With Poems To Elevate Student Writing in All Genres, and a contributing author to Moving Writers. As his book title would suggest, poetry pauses are his specialty, and there are few other teachers I know who are as good at integrating poetry into his curriculum in meaningful, intentional, and powerful ways. Our conversation is a deep dive into the pedagogy of teaching poetry Brett has plenty to share about the powerful ways poetic forms can lead to playful and powerful learning. After hanging out with Brett at NCTE this year, I knew he’d be a great podcast guest. As you’ll soon learn, he didn’t disappoint. Enjoy!

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